Jose Luis Gutierrez
José Luis Gutiérrez is an artist and teacher with classroom and arts administration experience who is dedicated to creating programs that foster student and community empowerment. Striving to be a cultural worker who is committed to building community and addressing issues of social justice through holistic arts education programs.
Chicago Public Schools (CPS)
Hurley Fine & Performing Arts Elementary School 2016 – Present Hedges Elementary School 2014 – 2016 Farragut Career Academy 2002 – 2005
As a K-8th grade art teacher I teach painting drawing, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, and media arts. I implement an outcome-based curriculum that aligns to state and national standards. I assess my students regularly and make Bi-lingual and IEP accommodations for students with special needs. I collaborate with classroom teachers to develop integrated units to support student’s academic growth. I am also the art liaison at my school that is responsible for completing school reports and representing my school at district meetings and events. I am also in charge of grant writing to sustain partnerships with local agencies that provide my school with added resources. I also teach parent art classes and offer my students an open studio afterschool.
Instituto Grafico de Chicago, Inc. 2012 – Present
I am a co-founder and treasurer of a not-for-profit arts organization that is dedicated to preserving the art of printmaking and building solidarity amongst print artist in the US and other countries through collaborative portfolio projects, art classes and community events. Responsibilities include: expense report, communications with donors and partners, fundraising, coordinating projects and events.
National Museum of Mexican Art (NMMA) 2006 – 2014
As the associate director of art education (2010-2014) I directed after-school art education programs in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) in the southwest side of Chicago. I developed budgets and grant proposals and worked with consultants to develop program logic models and evaluation plans. I oversaw program data collection, analyzed findings and developed reports on program outcomes for funders. I interviewed and hired artists to teach programs and provided professional development on designing curriculum and teaching according to the museum’s framework. I presented our work at state and national conferences in the US and Mexico. I led site coordinators as they implemented programs and evaluation plans, organized exhibitions of student artwork and hosted culminating events at the NMMA and CPS sites to showcase student performing arts programs.
As a teaching artist (2006 – 2009) my responsibilities included teaching after-school visual art programs, painting murals, and curating exhibitions of local artists’ work in the US and Mexico. My other responsibilities involved researching Mexican culture, history and traditions for developing curriculum and educational programs. I coordinated and conducted off-site presentations, workshops and art activities to promote the museum, gallery exhibits and Mexican art and culture throughout the Chicago-land area. I taught on and off-site programs for children and adults in various classroom or community settings and offered state-approved courses for teacher recertification credits.